Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eco House

We have been learning about living sustainably one of our ideas for doing this is to live in Eco houses. My Eco house will have power generated by wind turbines and water heating creating by harnessing the energy created by the sun through my solar panels. Also my house will have insulation to keep the warm in and so i don't have to keep turning the heater on and save energy.I'm going to get Photovoltaic bars so i can produce electricity from sunlight.For my water i will have a water butt to collect water from rain gutters,rooftops and rain.To get heat i will use a ground heat pump to get heat from to the ground.For my windows i will have double glazed windows to keep the heat from escaping so i can use less heat.In conclusion in my house i will have solar panels to collect energy from the sun.Special thanks to Mystery Man for helping me understand these things.Click here for his blog


  1. Well done for putting it in your own words. Nice touch re linking to MysteryMan's blog. Excellent!

    Also, fantastic goal on Saturday!

    BTW - have I told you I have been to Highbury to watch Arsenal play Chelsea?

  2. Me and you can work together about the medicine thing I could plant the plants and you could pick the plants and make medicine out of them. Nice Blog thanks for commenting on my blog. =)

  3. the link to mystery mans blog dosent work. :-(

  4. Did u make the eco house on sketch up.....
